5 Recipes That Make For Quick & Healthy Study Snacks

Healthy nutrition plays a pivotal role in the all-round development and helps in boosting energy, to make you more productive. Although it should be a vital agenda while prepping up for your exams, healthy nutrition often tends to slide down the priority list. Not having the right food or drink can often lead to weakness and hinder your academic progress. A long examination can be described as a mental marathon, and the right nutrition provides the endurance to get through it. The lack of time may often instigate you to go for high-fat, nutrient-poor food choices like take away meals and frozen dinners. Keeping that in mind, here are some super-easy tips to help you switch to a more healthy and convenient eating timetable;

1)      Eating nuts–Nuts such as cashews, almonds, peanuts, and walnuts make up for a nutritious and satisfying diet. They contain a good source of potassium and carbohydrate in the form of natural sugars, providing the body with essential nutrition. A handful can help to give you a quick energy boost and keeps your focus on studies intact.

      2)  Go for fruit salads- With the exams at very close proximity, its time to raid the fruit bowl! Slice up some apples, strawberries, pineapple, kiwis, and bananas, put them in a bowl and pinch some salt on top of it if you like. You can also add maple syrup or honey, to make it tastier. This easy bowl will boost your energy, and fill your body with vital vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Also, it helps to save on a huge amount of time. Just make a big batch and put it in the freezer, you’ll have sufficient for the next time you feel hungry.

3)     Help yourself with some dark chocolates: Here’s a great snack for all the chocoholics out there! Dark chocolate works as a strong source of anti-oxidants and natural stimulants. It improves the blood flow to your brain and helps you focus better. It also aids in the production of endorphins and makes you more cheered up. Just keep the intake in moderation and boost up your happy hormones!

4)     Yoyo yogurt: This is the perfect go-to item if you’re looking for a substantial and filling snack. It has high protein and helps curb your hunger in the flicker of an eye. It is filled with bone-building calcium and probiotics. Mixing some      yogurt with a bowl of fruit salad might help to make the meal tastier and wholesome.

5)     Peanut butter with just about anything: Another very convenient quick snack would be peanut butter. Health studies have shown that peanut butter goes a long way to help you manage your weight and regulates your blood sugar level. So, no more worries about losing out weight due to exam stress. Just spread some peanut butter on a piece of toast or a slice of apple, and get to grinding!

The stress for exams is really overarching, and putting time to look out for yourself is as much important as preparing for your papers. Make sure you are not staying hungry and get proper doses of sleep. Keep your health as much a priority, as your exams and strive towards it!
